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Letters to the Editor, March 23, 2025

ELDER WAY Read More 


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Read the great column by Larry Elder (“Prager deserving of Presidential Medal of Freedom,” March 16) and as they say it just blew me away! His columns are always a pleasure to read, mostly because he is a highly successful man and also an extremely informative writer who always tells the truth.

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Roger Lewis

(His commentary is rooted with a great del of experience)


It’s really too bad that the Liberals and Conservatives are neck and neck in the polls. The next federal election will see the NDP helping the winning party to stay in power or we will have yet another election because of a non-confidence vote. How bad is that? Has every Canadian realized that the Conservatives have to win the next election by a large margin or it’s going to be another four years of the same ol’ same ol’ all over again? Mark my words.

Robert J. Moskal

(This campaign matters. Do we keep going down the same track or is it time for a change?)


We sure live in interesting times. Our friendship with the U.S. has been betrayed. The auto pact is under threat. Our western farmers face 100% tariffs on canola. A turning point for Canada. Let’s shake hands with China and lower the tariff on their EVs. Get them to build a plant in Ontario. Let’s also support our own EV, the Arrow. We are building battery plants in Ontario. Surely, we can work together with Asian and European nations on mutually beneficial initiatives.

Ian MacKenzie

(We need to be expanding trade all over the world. But make no mistake, China is not a for broker)


The people get the government they deserve? Not many people west of the Ontario border deserved either of the Trudeaus and we sure as hell do not deserve Carney!

Curt Giene
Lloydminster, Sask.

(Well said)

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