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More than 2,100 UT students to graduate during fall commencement ceremony on Dec. 13 

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The University of Tennessee said it will award 1,412 undergraduate degrees as well as 709 graduate and certificates.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Thousands of students will claim their degrees at the University of Tennessee during fall commencement ceremonies in December.

On Dec. 13, more than 2,100 graduates will become alumni during the ceremonies. The university said it would award 1,412 undergraduate degrees as well as 709 graduate degrees and certificates.

Lamar Alexander, a former Tennessee governor, will address students as the keynote speaker at the 9 a.m. undergraduate ceremony.  He also served as the United States Secretary of Education and is a former president of the UT System.

After that ceremony, graduate hooding will take place with Yolanda Buendia Barrientos delivering an address. She is receiving a Master of Science degree in supply chain management and has been an active member of her company’s Every Employee, Every Community program since 2004, which helped her volunteer with nongovernment organizations. Her “Leading Gender Equity” project also won the Global Business Award at her organization.

The graduate hooding starts at 3 p.m.

Eight cadets from the Army ROTC and three from the Air Force ROTC will also be commissioned as second lieutenants. The Army ROTC ceremony will be at 1 p.m. in the Cox Auditorium of the Alumni Memorial Building, and the Air Force ROTC ceremony will be in Room 210 at the same time, in the same building.


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